The ALA Junior Activities inspires active participation in American Legion Auxiliary members age 17 and under so that they will become engaging, productive members who will want to continue their ALA membership into adulthood. Enrollment in the Auxiliary of many daughters of American Legion members prompted the formation of Junior groups within many units.
Junior members do not form a separate organization but are members of the American Legion Auxiliary, grouped separately so they may be given a program within the scope of their years and understanding. Junior membership is the training ground for active Auxiliary membership. When properly implemented, Junior Activities instill in Junior members the ideals of the Auxiliary and present opportunities to teach the ALA’s founding principles of justice, freedom, loyalty, and democracy.
Junior groups function under the guidance of an advisor and committee from the Senior ALA members. Organized as a committee of the unit, Juniors conduct their own meetings and carry out their own activities. The Junior officers shall be known as honorary Junior officers. Their work should be coordinated with the work of the Senior group, and they should have a role in regular unit activities whenever possible so they will feel they are truly a part of the Auxiliary.
Americanism should be a major focus for Juniors and presented in such a manner that they are taught patriotism, citizenship, and loyalty to American ideals and principles. Most Auxiliary activities can be adapted to allow Juniors some level of participation in all phases of the year’s program. The Juniors should be kept active and interested.
Success of the Junior group is largely dependent on leadership provided by the unit. The unit Junior advisor should be a woman capable of managing and teaching children of all ages and possessing the ability to keep interest alive while directing activities designed to carry out the purposes of the organization.
Department Chair
Stephanie Cutter
13197 Tinker Road
Vevay, IN 47043
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