The ALA Community Service program promotes the American Legion Auxiliary’s visibility within our localities through our commitment to community, state, and nation. Our Community Service program strengthens local communities with uniquely identified opportunities of service by providing volunteer leadership, encouraging the stewardship of its patriotic citizens, acknowledging our country’s military history, and supporting families that have sacrificed for our freedom. Community Service has been a major activity of The American Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary since 1926. ​
Every ALA unit is expected to implement or cooperate in at least one project for community improvement annually. It is the duty of the unit Community Service Committee to study community needs, give careful thought in recommending projects to the unit, take the lead in the accomplishment of the designated projects, and report the work to the department Community Service Committee.
Support of Community Service projects of The American Legion post is a first responsibility of the American Legion Auxiliary unit. In almost every American Legion project, there will be phases in which the post, unit, and squadron can work together as The American Legion Family.
Collaborate with other organizations on practical, worthwhile projects for community improvement, and solicit their cooperation with ALA projects as well. The greatest achievement is made when the interest and efforts of the entire community are enlisted in support of a project.
Department Chair
Heather Elson
3119 E 52nd Street, Unit A
E-mail: heather4veterans@gmail.com
All "Program Engagement Plans" can be found under the Forms and Files tab. Once there, click on the the "Program Engagement Plan" directory, search for the specific program of interest in the directory, and click to open.