It shall be the duty of the chaplain to offer prayer at the opening and closing of each meeting, and to perform such other duties as the president may direct.
Duties of the Unit Chaplain:
The unit chaplain will express, by word and action, our founding principle of service to God and Country.
The unit chaplain will encourage the unit to celebrate the diversity amongst its members and their faiths.
The unit chaplain will provide spiritual and emotional guidance to members and their families, as needed while maintaining confidentiality.
The unit chaplain is responsible for presenting the invocation and benediction at Auxiliary meetings.
The unit chaplain will participate as needed in installations; initiations of new members; dedication of halls, monuments, or colors; Four Chaplains services; POW/MIA recognition programs; and the memorial service of a member, always lending dignity and respect to the occasion.
The chaplain should stay in close contact with the president and other officers of the unit and should attend all meetings of the unit and the Unit Executive Committee.
Department Chaplain
Jennifer Pickering​
P. O. Box 257
Grabill, IN 46741
E-mail: INmemberjen@gmail.com
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